HakShak Tech Adventures

XBian, Kodi, and trakt.tv

So I bought a Raspberry Pi 1 Model B about a year ago and starting playing around with getting XBMC (now Kodi) working to see what I could get out of this wonderful little device. I tried OpenELEC, Raspbian, and XBian. Here's what I ended up with...


Rainmeter, HWiNFO, and Lua

A random learning fun time brought to you by Evolve and thermodynamics. When I started to play Evovle heavily, it became apparent that something was very wrong with my current desktop configuration. Around 50% of my matches were curtailed via glorious RSODs or a very manly statement by my GPU:


Learning GitHub.io, Jekyll, and poole

This is somewhat of a blog howto for github.io pages and Jekyll using a theme. I'll start with the tl;dr and then break it down to the what and why. I spent way too much time looking into all the capabilities of Jekyll, but here's what easy mode looks like.